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About Us

Founded in 2007 as an NVOCC, West Coast Shipping has become one of the largest international car shipping companies in the United States. After shipping thousands of our own containers through the Port of Oakland, we not only gained valuable knowledge of the shipping industry, we also discovered where the trucking industry could be improved. Instead of returning empty containers to the port, they could be used for other customers in the area looking to load and export their goods. By avoiding an empty trip to the port, both parties save time by not returning empty containers and checking them out again. We currently work with over a dozen local business and all marine lines. We continue to work towards expanding our drayage network in Oakland and saving our customers time and money.

In 2017, the drayage department became known as Oakland Container Trucking.

Call us at 510-323-2920 or contact us online to get a quote on drayage, trucking, or transloading.


Our Team


Al Bogatov

  • Joined the logistics industry in 2007.

  • Received a bachelor’s degree from Siberian State Automobile and Highway University.

I put all my efforts to help establish Oakland Container Trucking, the former trucking division of West Coast Shipping. I am proud to see how much it has grown along with our partners and clients.

In my opinion, the most important factors in this industry are safety, reliability, and competitive prices.

- Al Bogatov


Lex Drachenko

  • Joined Oakland Container Trucking in 2016.

For the past 8 years, I’ve enjoyed helping our customers get their containers delivered on time and on budget.

I hold a passion for sports, pets, travel and nature.

- Lex Drachenko

Let us know your needs and our logistics team will come up with the best solution.