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Maritime Disruption: The Baltimore Bridge Collapse and its Ripple Effects on Global Shipping

In the early hours of a Tuesday morning, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, an essential conduit for Baltimore and the U.S. E …

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1 min read
Apr 1, 2024 9:42:00 AM

Volume Up 18% in Port of Oakland

Shipping volume at the Port of Oakland has increased by 18% since February of this year. We expect Oakland volumes to co …

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1 min read
Mar 1, 2024 9:37:00 AM

2023 in Review

Summary: I. 2023 Review TEU Volume Decline: The Port of Oakland experienced an 11.6% decrease in TEU volumes compared to …

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5 min read
Feb 20, 2024 4:37:54 PM

EU Launches Naval Operation to Enhance Security in Red Sea and Gulf of Oman

The European Union launched EUNAVFOR Aspides, a defensive operation to enhance maritime security in strategic sea lanes …

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1 min read
Feb 9, 2024 9:54:00 AM

Port of Oakland’s January container volume continues to rise

The Port of Oakland has documented a continuation in the upward trajectory of its container volumes into January 2024, p …

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1 min read
Feb 1, 2024 9:43:00 AM

Oakland Hosts World’s First Large-Scale Commercial Hydrogen Truck Stop

Oakland has launched the world's first large-scale commercial hydrogen truck stop at the Port of Oakland, facilitated by …

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1 min read
Jan 18, 2024 9:42:00 AM

Port of Oakland Terminal Holidays 2024

The terminals at the port Oakland have announced their 2024 schedule which includes 14 vacation days. During those days, …

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1 min read
Jan 1, 2024 9:44:00 AM