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Ivan Zarudnyi

Ivan Zarudnyi

Posts by Ivan Zarudnyi

Offsite Port Facilities To Expedite Drayage for Port of Oakland

The port of Oakland is exploring numerous ways to expedite the drayage process in the Port of Oakland. One of the possib …

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1 min read
May 30, 2024 9:43:00 AM

Maritime Disruption: The Baltimore Bridge Collapse and its Ripple Effects on Global Shipping

In the early hours of a Tuesday morning, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, an essential conduit for Baltimore and the U.S. E …

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1 min read
Apr 1, 2024 9:42:00 AM

Volume Up 18% in Port of Oakland

Shipping volume at the Port of Oakland has increased by 18% since February of this year. We expect Oakland volumes to co …

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1 min read
Mar 1, 2024 9:37:00 AM

2023 in Review

Summary: I. 2023 Review TEU Volume Decline: The Port of Oakland experienced an 11.6% decrease in TEU volumes compared to …

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5 min read
Feb 20, 2024 4:37:54 PM

EU Launches Naval Operation to Enhance Security in Red Sea and Gulf of Oman

The European Union launched EUNAVFOR Aspides, a defensive operation to enhance maritime security in strategic sea lanes …

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1 min read
Feb 9, 2024 9:54:00 AM

Port of Oakland’s January container volume continues to rise

The Port of Oakland has documented a continuation in the upward trajectory of its container volumes into January 2024, p …

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1 min read
Feb 1, 2024 9:43:00 AM

Oakland Hosts World’s First Large-Scale Commercial Hydrogen Truck Stop

Oakland has launched the world's first large-scale commercial hydrogen truck stop at the Port of Oakland, facilitated by …

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1 min read
Jan 18, 2024 9:42:00 AM

Port of Oakland Terminal Holidays 2024

The terminals at the port Oakland have announced their 2024 schedule which includes 14 vacation days. During those days, …

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1 min read
Jan 1, 2024 9:44:00 AM