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Uber Freight's $20B milestone

1 min read
Oct 7, 2024 1:43:30 PM

At its Deliver conference, Uber Freight announced reaching $20 billion in managed freight and introduced new tech features for customers. The company’s updates include the Control Tower for streamlined data access, Dock Scheduler for improved warehouse efficiency, and Insights AI, an AI tool that answers key freight-related questions with 92% accuracy. These advancements aim to enhance shipping operations, combining Uber Freight's spot freight expertise with Transplace's managed operations, acquired in 2022.

Additionally, Uber Freight introduced the Design Partner Program, collaborating with 40 shipping partners to co-create transportation services. The company also linked shippers with Uber Direct for rapid deliveries under two hours, extending its Parcel Transportation Management System, which processed 250 million packages last year. Uber Freight plans to expand these innovations into Europe, Mexico, and the cross-border market.

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