<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=6015199818423&amp;cd[value]=0.00&amp;cd[currency]=USD&amp;noscript=1">
1 min read
Jan 1, 2024 9:44:00 AM

The terminals at the port Oakland have announced their 2024 schedule which includes 14 vacation days. During those days, the terminals will not be in operation, and no containers will be exported or imported. Drayage to the port will not be possible during the dates listed below:

  • Jan 1 (Mon) - New Year's Day
  • Jan 16 (Mon) - ML King Day
  • Feb 13 (Mon) - Lincoln's Birthday
  • Feb 20 (Mon) - President's Day
  • May 29 (Mon) - Memorial Day
  • Jul 4 (Tues) - Independence Day
  • Jul 5 (Wed) - Bloody Thursday
  • Jul 28 (Fri) - Harry Bridges' Birthday
  • Sep 4 (Mon) - Labor Day
  • Nov 10 (Fri) - Veteran's Day
  • Nov 23 (Thurs) - Thanksgiving Day
  • Dec 25 (Mon) - Xmas Day
  • Jan 1, 2025 (Mon) - New Year's Day 2025