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White House raises security concerns about cranes at Oakland's port

In March 2021, the Port of Oakland received three cranes from ZPMC, a Chinese company with government ties, marking them …

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1 min read
Jun 18, 2023 9:36:00 AM

Port of Oakland March Shipping Volume Surges

Container shipping at the Port of Oakland continued to surge in March, with the total number of containers imported and …

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1 min read
Apr 18, 2023 9:39:00 AM

Port of Oakland Sees Strong Finish in 2023 Despite Annual Decline: Container Volume and Future Outlook

The Port of Oakland reported a strong finish to 2023, with significant year-over-year gains in both full import and expo …

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1 min read
Jan 2, 2023 9:36:00 AM

Port of Oakland Terminal Looks to Automate Container Shipping

Automation in the shipping industry has been the dream of US ports for decades. It brings efficiency, cuts costs, and lo …

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1 min read
Feb 18, 2021 9:50:00 AM

Resuming Development: Oakland Port Terminal Overcomes Legal Battles

Following a prolonged trial and litigation, an Oakland developer will proceed with constructing a maritime terminal at t …

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1 min read
Sep 10, 2020 9:44:00 AM

Complying With California's CARB Truck Drayage Regulation - Why It Matters!

Container trucking companies in California will want to take notice of the new changes in Drayage Truck Regulations. Sta …

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1 min read
Jan 18, 2020 9:50:00 AM

Shipping Alliances for 2020

The 3 major shipping alliances, THE, OCEAN, and 2M have remained without change for 2020. THE Alliance - The largest all …

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1 min read
Jan 1, 2020 9:35:00 AM

Port of Oakland export volume up 5.8% in November 2019

Port of Oakland export cargo volume increased 5.8 percent last month compared to November 2018, according to statistics …

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1 min read
Dec 1, 2019 9:49:00 AM

Port of Oakland Breaks June Import Records

Port of Oakland container shipping volume hit a record high as retailers began to stock up for the holiday season. The n …

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1 min read
Jun 18, 2018 9:40:00 AM

Items Requiring Hazmat Class Compliance When Shipping

Shipping hazardous cargo in the United States requires carriers to hold a valid hazmat license. It ensures that all safe …

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1 min read
Nov 27, 2017 9:00:32 AM